Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Shop Til We Drop...from the heat

Record high temperatures this week in Gözelçamli. Hit 42C Monday and Tuesday. Yet we go to the local markets. Monday: Gozelçamli Market Close enough to walk from the pension. Big social event for the week. Seems everyone in town and the surrounding towns are there. Gorgeous vegetables.

Tuesday: Tire (tea-ray) Market More traditional market.  We watched a felt maker at work.  The machines look antiquated but they still work.  Purchased scarves.

Saddle maker -- for horses and camels
 Genuine fake Converse!  The seller swears they are real even though not one Converse box to be seen.

Copper man.  Reg gave him a bottle of water which he drank immediately.  In his shop ıs a ´no smoking´sıgn.  With the chemicals he´s inhaling, certainly tobacco won´t be that bad.
 Bridle guy makes dog collars. Making Chester's new leather collar. Only 2 Turkish lira!  He will be the envy of the dog park.
Sights driving to Tire
4th century AD bath.  In use for only 60 -80 years 
 Mausoleum of Belevi

Necropolis of Efes.  Graveyards outside the city walls. This is a small section just before the original harbor gate. The harbor was far more inland than the current coastline.

Efes Museum:  Artifacts from Efes excavations
Khali in a previous life

Many pieces of Eros.  He is often depicted wıthout detailed eyes because love is blind.

Broken frieze.  Christians purposely demolished everything depicting Roman and Greek deities and emperors.

Early Christians not only destroyed priceless artifacts but also carved crosses in foreheads in efforts to Christianıze the souls of the departed like Marcus Aurelius and Livia below.

One of many sarcophagi unearthed.  Amazing carvings standing the test of time and elements since 4th Century BC


1 comment:

  1. 42C? What is this C you don't have F?
    Looks pretty neat, love the history.
    I have been told that Turkey is the only country that is self sufficient in terms of food.
